Wanderers is a 2014 Swedish science fiction short film created by the digital artist and animator Erik Wernquist.[2] The film depicts actual locations in the Solar System being investigated by human explorers, aided by hypothetical space technology. Of the film's fifteen scenes,[3] Wernquist created some using solely computer graphics, but most are based on actual photographs taken by robotic spacecraft or rovers combined with additional computer-generated elements.
Wernquist concedes that his depiction of a terraformed asteroid "is by far the most speculative part of this short film," but also says that he included it "to visualize the possibilities of human engineering and construction."[36] He calls the asteroid a "terrarium," applying the name used by Kim Stanley Robinson in his hard science fiction novel 2312.
Wanderers: A Short Film Narrated By Carl Sagan
The short film has received extremely positive reviews since its release. Leonard David, a columnist on Space.com, called it a "marvelous production".[4] Amy Shira Teitel of the website Nerdist said the film was "brilliantly realistic" and that it "might even be better than Interstellar."[2] Dante D'Orazio of The Verge wrote that the film was a "stunningly beautiful journey across our solar system", and that while it "doesn't have a traditional story, the visuals and score (paired with Sagan's words) will make you, too, dream of the day when we become a multi-planetary species."[5]
This short film provides an inspiring look into the future, where humans visit other planets in the galaxy. The narration by Carl Sagan, philosophically explores our natural instinct to go far beyond our starting point.
The short film shows stunning glimpses of our neighboring planets, beckoning to be explored, narrated by the unfailingly inspiring voice of Carl Sagan. The lack of an overt narrative gives the film a beautiful fluidity, leaving space for the viewer to overlay her own visions and dreams of discovery and exploration.
When some of us imagine the future, things can get a little scary. After all, there's so much we don't know about our solar system, and thinking about the vastness of the universe is enough to induce a panic attack. The things we don't know, though, could be amazing, incredible, beautiful things we will discover someday soon, and a reality where the space travel (and maybe even colonization) becomes accessible to all of us is totally possible. In Erik Wernquist's new short film, Wanderers , he shows off his idea of what the future of humanity in space will look like, and the images in the video are so breathtaking that it's absolutely unbelievable that they're all made as digital recreation of actual locations in our solar system.
Even more awesome about the film? It's narrated by famed astrophysicist and author Carl Sagan. I know what you're thinking: Isn't that kind of impossible, since Sagan's been dead for almost 20 years? Wernquist didn't let that obstacle stand in his way, and took audio from Sagan's reading of his book, The Pale Blue Dot, as the soundtrack that ties the entire film together, and he couldn't have found a more perfect narrator. On his website, Wernquist admits that he didn't get permission to use Sagan's voice, but hopefully that won't hinder the sharing of his film, because it's something everyone should see.
Wanderers, a short film by Erik Wernquist narrated by Carl Sagan, is a vision of humanity's expansion into the Solar System, based on scientific ideas and concepts of what our future in space might look like, if it ever happens. The locations depicted in the film are digital recreations of actual places in the Solar System, built from real photos and map data where available.Without any apparent story, other than what you may fill in by yourself, the idea of the film is primarily to show a glimpse of the fantastic and beautiful nature that surrounds us on our neighboring worlds - and above all, how it might appear to us if we were there.
La Maison en Petits Cubes (つみきのいえ Tsumiki no Ie?, "The House of Small Cubes") is a 2008 Japanese animated short subject film created by Kunio Katō, with music by Kenji Kondo. It won several prizes the most being important the Grand prize for short films (the Annecy Cristal) at the Annecy International Animated Film Festival in 2008 and the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film in 2009.
Website of Jason Silva, creator of Shots of Awe, "a short film series of 'trailers for the mind' that serve as philosophical espresso shots exploring innovation, technology, creativity, futurism and the metaphysics of the imagination." Inspiring stuff, and Silva's a character!
One thing is certain. We humans will continue to explore. We are reaching for the heavens and laying claim to make the unknown ours. Take a look at Wanderers, a short film by Erik Wernquist, narrated by the renowned late physicist Carl Sagan that uses actual depictions of our solar system to create a unique envisioning of human colonization of space. See the future unfold as earthlings establish settlements and tame hostile environments. Stills from the film show the actual sites with accompanying descriptions.
This, along with the next scene, is by far the most speculative part of this short film. For one thing, this particular asteroid is fictional and although I suspect there are many like it out there, it is built from scratch without any specific object as reference. But also, these scenes, rather than showing the nature of an actual place, are there to visualise the possibilities of human engineering and construction.
Swedish director Erik Wernquist joins us this week to discuss his major inspirations including sci-fi art and novels, how important passion projects are to his career, and a bunch of behind-the-scenes info on his short film Wanderers as well as his work for Jamie xx.
This is pretty nice. A short video by Erik Wernquist showing humans in various locations around the solar system, with a voiceover from Carl Sagan, always guaranteed to enrich the sense of wonder. via Wanderers - a short film by Erik Wernquist on Vimeo. h/t Alex Parker 2ff7e9595c